Problems are a part of life, especially young married couples. But they don’t have to ruin your relationship. These 10 tips to solve marital problems for newly married couples will help you create a healthy marriage.
This is a guest post by Carla Adams. Follow her on Twitter @CaCarlaadams. See full bio below.
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Who doesn’t want a happy and healthy marriage? For most couples, the beginning of married life is blissful. But as time goes on, reality starts to set in, and problems can arise. Every relationship requires nurturing and care, and marriage is the same. It is a bond between two people who vow to spend their lives together, come what may.
Though marriage is considered a lifelong relationship, problems can crop up anytime and even lead to its downfall. Psychology Today states that the first two years of marriage are the most crucial. During this time, couples get to know each other better and understand each other’s expectations and needs.
Love and relationships expert Melinda Carver says:
Couples need to be on the same page when it comes to major life decisions such as having children, buying a house, or relocating for a job. If they’re not, it can create tension and resentment.
10 Tips To Solve Marital Problems (Especially For Newly Married Couples)
In this article, let’s explore the ups and downs and ways to solve the marital problems for newly married couples.
Tip: 1. Help Your Spouse Overcome Nagging Issues
Every relationship has some form of baggage. Our past experiences shape our thoughts and beliefs. These are translated into our relationships. Many times, our baggage interferes with our marriage.
This means, we have to deal with things that are uncomfortable, but necessary.
Dealing With The Things That Surprise You
Your partner might have undealt issues you didn’t know about until you started spending time with them daily. These issues can create a rift between the two of you and can even lead to divorce.
Marriage is a commitment, and you need to treat it like this. There are many other ways you can help your partner overcome their issues. You can lend them a listening ear, be supportive, and understand their condition.
Dealing With Big Serious Issues
If your partner is struggling, whether it is with mental health issues, substance abuse, or a gambling problem, you can step in and help them overcome it.
You can do this by joining them in counseling sessions or therapy. If their case is severe, you can also consider checking them into a rehabilitation center. There are reputable institutions such as if your partner has an addiction problem. The facility offers treatment for various addictions, including alcohol, drugs, and other substances.
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Tip: 2. Address Sexual Problems
Another common marital problem that newly married couples face is sexual problems. In most cases, these problems arise due to a lack of communication between the couple. One of the partners may be dissatisfied with the frequency or quality of sex. It can lead to frustration and even resentment.
It is essential to discuss your needs and expectations with your partner. You should also be open to trying new things to spice up your sex life. Tell them what you need and why it is important to you. Life after marriage doesn’t always turn out to be a bed of roses. You may face many problems, but remember that you are not alone. Many couples face similar issues, and there are ways to deal with them. But ignoring the problem will only make it worse.
Tip: 3. Don’t Ignore Financial Issues
Now that you are married, you and your partner will have to share your finances. It cannot be easy, especially if you are not used to sharing your money. One of the partners may be a spender, while the other may be a saver, which can lead to arguments and even financial problems.
Sit down with your partner and discuss your financial situation. Then, create a budget and stick to it to help avoid financial problems in your marriage. Although it’s common for both partners to handle their finances, keeping each other in the loop is always good. It will help you avoid any surprises later on. For instance, if one of you plans to make a big purchase, it’s always a good idea to discuss it with the other person first.
Money is often cited as one of the main problems in marriage. It is especially true for newly married couples who are still getting used to living together. So try to be on the same page regarding finances.
You may also want to read: How To Manage Finances (worksheet included)
Tip: 4. Have Healthy Boundaries With In-laws
Dealing with in-laws can be another source of marital problems for newly married couples. In some cases, the in-laws may be overbearing or even intrusive. They may try to interfere in your marriage or dictate how you should live your life. It will ultimately become a source of friction between you and your partner.
To deal with it, set some boundaries with your in-laws. Make it clear to them that you are an independent adult capable of making your own decisions.
If the situation gets out of hand, you can always take a break from them or even cut off contact. Although it may seem like a drastic step, it may be necessary to protect your marriage. Moreover, your partner should be supportive of your decision.
For more help, read Can A Marriage Work If You Hate Your Inlaws?
Tip: 5. Talk About Talking: Face Communication Problems Head On
Communication is the key to a successful marriage. Healthy relationships are those that connect on a regular basis. Poor communication is deadly.
This is why communication is one of the big relationship issues. Newly married couples may find it challenging to communicate openly with each other. It can lead to misunderstandings and even arguments.
Talk to your partner about your expectations and needs. Be patient and understanding when they are communicating with you.
Communication isn’t about spoken words only. Sometimes, newly married couples face problems due to a lack of physical intimacy. It can be a result of busy schedules or even different interests. In such cases, finding other ways to communicate with your partner is essential.
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You can text them, write a note, or even leave a voicemail. It’s also good to schedule some quality time each week to talk to your partner. It will help you stay connected and avoid any misunderstandings.
Tip: 6. Don’t Let Jealousy Damage Your Trust
Trust is important in any relationship; you must trust your partner if you want your marriage to work. Dealing with trust issues is vital for a healthy relationship.
Jealousy can be another big problem in marriages, especially if one of the partners is possessive. It can lead to arguments, suspicion, and even mistrust. If you feel jealous, talk to your partner about it.
First, try to understand the root of your jealousy. Is it because you are insecure or afraid of losing them? Once you know the reason, you can work on overcoming it.
Another tip for dealing with jealousy is to focus on your own life. Spend time with your friends and family, and pursue your interests.
However, don’t try to make your partner jealous by doing things that will upset them. It will only make the situation worse. Instead, focus on making yourself happy. Remember that jealousy is often unfounded. And, if it is, it can be overcome with time and effort.
Tip: 7. Manage Your Expectations
Expectations are germs that may ruin any relationship. Newly married couples often have unrealistic expectations of each other. They may expect their partner to always be available or agree with them. It can lead to disappointment and frustration. If you have any expectations of your partner, it is important to communicate them early on. It will help you avoid any misunderstandings later on.
It is also essential to be realistic in your expectations. You should never expect your partner to change who they are.
Most importantly, don’t try to control your partner. They are their own person and should be free to make decisions. And, if they make a decision you disagree with, try to respect it.
Tip: 8. Remember Respect Is A Foundation You Build On
Respect is one of the most critical ingredients of a successful marriage. Without respect, there can be no trust, love, or understanding. Respect your partner for who they are, and never try to control them or force them to do something they don’t want.
Likewise, never disrespect your partner in public. It includes making fun of them, talking down to them, or belittling their accomplishments. If you do, it will only lead to arguments and resentment. Instead, try to always speak kindly to your partner and be understanding of their feelings.
Remember, respect is a two-way street. So, if you want your partner to respect you, you must show them the same courtesy.
You may also want to read, ‘Are You Disrespecting Your Husband Without Realizing It?’
Tip: 9. Practice Patience
Patience is vital in any relationship, but it is imperative in a marriage. Marriage is a long-term commitment with ups and downs, but you must weather them all. If you want your marriage to last, you must learn to practice patient. It could simply mean accepting that your partner is not perfect and that they will make mistakes.
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But, it also means working through tough times and never giving up. Remember, marriage is a journey, not a destination. So, take your time and enjoy the ride.
Tip: 10. Establish Connecting Routines
Routine can be the enemy of any relationship. It can make things boring and cause you to take your partner for granted. To keep your marriage fresh, you must learn to break out of routine. It means trying new things, doing things differently, and making time for each other.
Even if you have been married for years, it is important to date your partner. Go on dates, take vacations together, and spend time together. It will help you keep the spark alive in your relationship.
Also, don’t forget the small things. Sometimes, it is the little things that make the most significant difference. So, take the time to do something special for your partner. It doesn’t have to be anything extraordinary. Just a small gesture can mean the world to them.
Here are 16 habits and routines of happy, successful couples.
Final Thoughts
Marriage is not always easy, but it is worth the effort. If you want your marriage to last, you must work at it. If you follow these tips, you can overcome any challenge in your marriage. Always communicate with your partner, be patient, and never give up.
You can make your marriage into everything you want with time and effort. The power to make your marriage successful is in your hands. Use these tips to create the happy, lasting marriage you deserve.
- 10 Tips To Solve Marital Problems (Especially For Newly Married Couples)
- Tip: 1. Help Your Spouse Overcome Nagging Issues
- Tip: 2. Address Sexual Problems
- Tip: 3. Don’t Ignore Financial Issues
- Tip: 4. Have Healthy Boundaries With In-laws
- Tip: 5. Talk About Talking: Face Communication Problems Head On
- Tip: 6. Don’t Let Jealousy Damage Your Trust
- Tip: 7. Manage Your Expectations
- Tip: 8. Remember Respect Is A Foundation You Build On
- Tip: 9. Practice Patience
- Tip: 10. Establish Connecting Routines
What’s Next?
Where To Find Help
We have resources to help you create the marriage you desire and deserve:
Connecting and Communicating
1000 Questions For Couples is designed to help you connect on a deeper level to create intimacy and trust in your relationship.
Relationship Rewrite will help you regain and rediscover the magic and love you once shared.
Physical Intimacy
Respark the Romance helps couples capture passion in their marriage.
Why Men Pull Away addresses the issue of why men tend to withdraw and how to effectively get them to reengage.
Secret Survey is based on the research of Michael Fiore after surveying thousands of men. It is enlightening. Designed for women.
Our Courses and Quiz
We have courses available that will help you grow your marriage relationship and create the marriage you desire and deserve. Visit our course library here.
You can also take our Marriage Quiz to get your marriage score and find practical ways to increase communication, intimacy, and trust in your relationship.
Want To Take Your Marriage To The Next Level With One-On-One Mentoring? We use Prepare/Enrich assessment to help couples create the marriage of their dreams. Click here to learn more
About Carla Adams
Carla Adams is an enthusiastic dreamer and a workaholic. She is a passionate blogger, health writer, basketball player, researcher, and fashion freak. She has contributed to many reputed blogs and is constantly on the lookout to reach authoritative blogs around. Currently, she is associated with Sophie & Trey, an online clothing boutique in Lake Mary Florida for their blog operations. For all the updates follow her on Twitter @CaCarlaadams