Learn tactics for managing intrusive inlaws and creating a peaceful marriage dynamic. Set clear boundaries with mother-in-law and spouse for a harmonious couple. Here’s a eyebrows-raising question: Ever wonder if your in-laws have crossed that fine line from well-meaning to just plain invasive? If you’re nodding your head, you’re not sailing solo in this voyage. […]
Can A Marriage Survive Resentment?
Can a marriage survive resentment? The answer is yes, but it takes effort and commitment from both partners to address and overcome these negative feelings. Resentment can be a major obstacle in a marriage, causing feelings of anger, frustration, and bitterness towards one’s partner. When left unchecked, feelings of resentment can erode the love and […]
Can A Marriage Survive Dishonesty? Here’s What You Need To Know
People can lie about small things (little white lies) or about big things (flagrant deception). The little things will undermine your marriage. Rebuilding trust in a relationship is no small task, but it can be done. Charles Ponzi was an Italian immigrant who tricked hundreds of people out of their life savings. In 1920, Charles […]
Can A Marriage Survive Constant Arguing? 4 Steps To Get A Grip On Conflict
Constant arguing can be devastating for your marriage. While every couple has things they disagree over; constant arguing puts stress on a relationship that eventually causes it to collapse. We offer 4 tips on how to break the cycle of constant arguments so you can build a healthy, satisfying marriage. Surviving marriage can be challenging. […]
Can A Marriage Survive Depression? 5 Keys To Keep Your Marriage Out Of Despair
Depression and mental illness affect 5% of the world population. Many times it takes a toll on family and friends. Can a marriage survive depression? We offer 5 keys to keep your marriage on a healthy track. This is a guest post by Sophia Young, a freelance writer for lifestyle blogs and websites. See her […]