Have you ever used a journal to improve your relationship? If not, use these marriage journal prompts to write in a way that makes your relationship stronger.
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Journaling is a great way to process events and contemplate your relationship. But sometimes we get stuck and don’t know where to start. In this article, we discuss how to use journaling to take your current relationship and make it stronger, better, and more healthy.
How To Journal About Your Relationship
According to Lyn Alderson, there are two ways couples can journal about their relationship.
The Solo Marriage Journal
The first she calls a Solo Marriage Journal. This type of journal is a personal reflection on your relationship that is private and personal. It is not written to be shared or read by others. It is your way of exploring what is in your heart.
It is not meant to be a critique or criticism of your spouse. Rather a personal reflection on what is important to you and what you can do to improve as a person in order to create a better marriage.
Lyn describes it like this:
[A place where you have] the freedom to express yourself fully in a no-holds-barred fashion.
It is uniquely yours.
The Couples Shared Journal
The second form of journaling Lyn mentions is a shared journal.
This is a journal where you and your spouse share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a common notebook. This can be very beneficial for couples. Especially if they have difficulty talking about issues that impact their relationship.
There are a few guidelines I recommend:
- Stay positive. Even when dealing with difficulties and problems
- Never use your journal to hurt or ridicule your spouse
- Seek solutions, not problems.
- Agree on things that you both consider off-limits to write about
- Build bridges with your entries, not barriers
Remember trust is the foundation of a healthy marriage. Your journal must be path to trust. Anything else will hurt your relationship instead of help.
By the way, you can check out Lyn Alderson’s book on Amazon. (Buy Now)
What Is A Journal Prompt?
In it’s purest form, journaling is about putting your thoughts, feelings, dreams, and challenges on paper. There is no right or wrong way to do this. There are, however, helpful tools and prompts that take the confusion and pain out of writing.
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A journal prompt is a question that jump starts your writing process. It provides you an entry point for putting your thoughts on paper. These questions can be about anything, but since we are focused on creating a marriage journal, our questions will be geared toward your relationship journal.
Why Use Journal Prompts
Prompts (questions) make writing easier. At least for me.
I don’t always use prompts when journaling, but they trigger our thoughts so we can put our feelings and thoughts down.
Great teachers have always used questions to jar thoughts and produce engagement. Think of Socrates, Plato, and even Jesus. They all used questions to draw a response from their disciples and students.
A well phrased question can help you dig deep into your soul. This is important because one of the benefits of journaling is to process your thoughts and identify your deepest values. It's a path of spiritual and emotional growth. Share on XThis works with journaling as well.
A well phrased question can help you dig deep into your soul. This is important because one of the benefits of journaling is to process your thoughts and identify your deepest values. It’s a path of spiritual and emotional growth.
The 33 questions we list below are designed to help you explore your soul and discover things about you and your spouse you didn’t know. That is our goal.
33 Relationship Journal Prompts To Get You Started
We listed 101 journal prompts for developing self love, but here are journal prompts to help you evaluate and make your relationship better.
Here are 33 good questions to ask about your marriage.
- What does loving your spouse well mean to you?
- How important is physical intimacy in your marriage? Why is this important?
- What does your spouse do to make you know he is present?
- List 5 things you can do for your spouse to make them feel loved.
- What do you admire most about your spouse? Why did you pick these things?
- What makes you feel energized in your marriage? What makes you feel drained and tired? Why?
- What area of your marriage needs the most work right now? Why? What can you do to make this area better in the next week?
- What is your spouses love language? What makes them feel most loved by you?
- What does your spouse talk about the most?
- Describe emotional trust and safety as it relates to your marriage?
- What makes you feel safe with your spouse? Why?
- List 10 words that best describe what you want out of your marriage?
- Each day for the next 10 days, explain why these things are important to you?
- What frightens you most about your relationship?
- What excites you most about your relationship?
- List 10 things you are grateful for in your marriage
- List the 5 biggest things you want to work on to be a better spouse.
- Over the next five days elaborate on why you chose these five things
- Who apologizes first when you have a disagreement? How does this make you feel?
- On a scale of 1-10 (1=low, 10=high), rate your physical intimacy together. Explain why.
- On a scale of 1-10 (1=low, 10=high), rate your communication. Explain why.
- On a scale of 1-10 (1=low, 10=high), how often do you argue and fight? Why?
- What one word best characterizes your marriage? Is this good or bad? Why?
- Write about your idea marriage. What does it look like?
- For the next few days write about what you can do to make this ideal vision come true.
- How has past baggage affected your marriage? What is the one piece of bad baggage that impacts your relationship the most? What can you do to begin changing that?
- How well do you feel you know your spouse? How does this make you feel? What can you do now to improve this?
- How well does your spouse know you? How does this make you feel? What can you do now to improve this?
- How do you and your spouse handle arguments? Do you hold a grudge? Give the silent treatment? Have a big fight? Or something else? How does this make you feel? What can you do to change this?
- On a scale of 1-10 (1=low, 10=high), how interested is your spouse in your everyday life, hobbies, etc? What would you like to see changed in this area?
- On a scale of 1-10 (1=low, 10=high), how interested are you in your spouses everyday life, hobbies, etc? What would you like to see changed in this area? What can you do to improve?
- What are your favorite memories in your marriage? Why?
- What are your happiest relationship moments? Explain why these made you happy. Is there a way to recreate these moments?
Also Read: How Journaling Helps Your Marriage: 8 Ways To Journal And Create The Marriage You Desire
Final Thoughts On Relationship Writing Prompts
Journaling is a great way to get in touch with your emotions and process things in your relationship.
- How To Journal About Your Relationship
- What Is A Journal Prompt?
- Why Use Journal Prompts
- 33 Relationship Journal Prompts To Get You Started
What’s Next?
31 Day Marriage Journal Challenge
Journal your way to a healthier, happier marriage with this 31 day marriage journaling challenge.
Take the Marriage Quiz and discover your marriage score and get suggestions on how to improve your relationship. You will also be sent the results of your quiz along with suggestions on how to create the marriage of your dreams. >> Take The Quiz Now <<
- Each day you will be given a writing prompt
- Spend 10 minutes answering the question and exploring your thoughts
- Share your journal with your spouse (optional)
- Discover how journaling daily can increase your awareness and help you communicate better with your spouse.
[…] Most couples write daily (or at least several times during the week). I realize life happens and things get busy, but the more you write the easier it gets. Use a template or questions to help prompt your writing. […]