Happy couples have several things in common. They work at their relationship and make sure they live by solid relationship rules. Here are 7 tips most successful couples understand and follow.

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Everyone dreams of meeting “the one,” tying the knot and starting a new life together. The concept of holy matrimony shares mixed perspectives; some believe it to be a restriction on freedom, while others claim it is the most rewarding life decision.
The bittersweet truth is that while the marriage may sound warm and fulfilling, to create a happy marriage and make it all it can be requires continuous effort, affection, and compromise where due.
7 Happy Married Life Tips
To maintain a healthy relationship and make your “happily ever after” dreams come true, here is a list of 7 marriage tips for a happy married life in 2022.
We’ve found successful marriages have these seven qualities in common.
1. They Maintain Intimacy To Keep Their Marriage Strong
Intimacy is the currency of love and can be divided into physical and emotional types.
Physical intimacy
Physical intimacy is an important part of a healthy thriving marriage. This is why dealing with intimacy issues is a crucial step in maintaining a great physical connection.
Since the problems surrounding intimacy as so broad, the first step is to diagnose the real issue.
For this article, we will break it down into categories.
Category #1: General Changes
Over time, our relationship changes. This is not a negative thing, it is a matter of growing closer and more comfortable with our partner. Which is a positive aspect of marriage.
However, it also means we have to put in extra effort to keep things ‘spicy.’
This could be hitting the gym to get fit and healthy, changing your diet to make sure you are not sabbatoging your libido and getting plenty of rest so you feel engaged on all levels with your spouse.
There is a little known secret of connecting with your spouse on a deep, intimate level. This little known formula for bonding and creating a close relationship with your spouse is not complicated or confusing. >> Click here to learn how <<
Category #2: Hormonal Issues
Hormonal issues can have a direct impact on your sex life. For example, women’s hormones fluctuate each month during menstruation and ovulation. This changes a woman’s mood and body chemistry, which can either enhance or hinder sexual arousal and performance.
And for men, testosterone and male sex hormones (e.g. DHEA) help stimulate desire and drive.
Sexual dysfunction is a broad term that refers to any condition that affects sexual desire, arousal or performance. The causes can be physical or psychological — or both.
The point is, changes in hormones affect drive, desire, and mood — all of which play into how well you and your partner are able to perform physically!
Category #3: Physical Issues
This category is the most advanced. It usually happens in couples who have been married for a longer period of time.
Women who have been married long term, given birth, or are not content with their vaginal look and feel for one reason or another, procedures such as vaginal rejuvenation can help you get your confidence and fulfilling intimacy life back. You can simply locate a vaginal rejuvenation center by looking up vaginal rejuvenation near meto find a procedure and doctor that’s best for you.
Outside of the bedroom, leaning in for a kiss or a tight hug a few times a day, holding your partner’s hand in public, or letting them rest their head on your shoulder are small acts of intimacy that can make you and your partner feel even more loved than a steamy night together.
Emotional Intimacy
This refers to the deep conversations and vulnerable moments shared between partners that strengthen their bond. To build emotional intimacy, you must create a safe space for your partner to be their raw and unfiltered self and talk about their problems, fears, and insecurities. By providing them a shoulder to lean on, you will make them feel connected to you from the depths of their heart and soul.
Both physical and emotional intimacy are key ingredients of a long-lasting marriage and must be practiced in equilibrium to grow the marriage stronger.
2. Trust is the Foundation of Their Relationship
Unsurprisingly, one of the greatest causes of splitting up among couples is a lack of trust. Trust is not an attribute inherently present in all relationships; it needs to be built upon over time and should grow stronger with each passing day.
Marriages that lack trust leads to suspicion, watchfulness, lack of self-esteem, and even abuse. A marriage built on mutual trust, where both partners are aware that their loved one has no ill intent towards them, allows them to feel secure and supported, ultimately leading to a happier and healthier connection between the two.
Building trust in a marriage is not difficult; it just requires small, consistent efforts like effective communication, maintaining loyalty, and loving gestures which make your partner feel safe and appreciated.
Take the Marriage Quiz and discover your marriage score and get suggestions on how to improve your relationship. You will also be sent the results of your quiz along with suggestions on how to create the marriage of your dreams. >> Take The Quiz Now <<
3. They Work At Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution is an art that every married couple needs to learn.
A study in the Journal of Marriage and Family on Predicting Marital Happiness and Stability from Newlywed Interactions concluded that destructive conflict behaviors such as criticism and yelling predicted increased divorce.
Marriage is no walk in the park, and every married couple will face difficult situations, seen and unforeseen hiccups in the marriage, and an overall mixture of good and bad days.
Occasionally not seeing eye to eye, arguing, and unintentionally hurting your partner’s feelings are all common phenomena in a marriage. However, how these issues are resolved says a lot about the dynamic of a marriage. Showing contempt, criticism, and aggression towards your partner, active or passive, are indicators of an unhealthy dynamic.
In a healthy marriage, honest and polite but firm communication is key, and the best way to resolve a conflict is to hear and let yourself be heard. Getting your partner’s perspective on the issue and then sharing yours creates an open dialogue for both to learn and understand.
Communication alone is not enough if not accompanied by comprehension, meaning it is important to understand where your partner is coming from and why they felt how they felt, said what they said, or did what they did. Remember that your and your partner’s feelings are valid, so the ultimate solution is to find a middle ground and compromise where necessary.
4. Time Together Is A Top Priority
Due to responsibilities, work, kids, or just the hustle and bustle of life, love gets lost in a marriage. While catering to obligations is necessary, married couples must make quality time for each other to catch up and nurture their bond.
A great way of doing so is by planning at least one date every week, such as eating out, going to the movies, driving to the beach or countryside, or hitting up mutual friends to bond over some barbecue and beer.
If you have kids who make planning a one-on-one date with your significant other difficult, try to squeeze in a small coffee shop run or walk in the park after dropping them off at school or for playtime.
Even getting a good laugh together, celebrating achievements and milestones, or having passionate conversations about your favorite sports team’s last match or your random interaction with a stranger, are beautiful yet often overlooked ways of enjoying each other’s company.
While not possible for every married couple, the best way to spend alone time with your spouse and make lifelong memories is by taking a vacation together. An adventure-filled trip to your destination filled with thrilling activities, a plethora of new first-times, cozy hotel rooms, and chasing sunsets and sunrises is just what every married couple needs to rekindle the spark between them and bask in their love for one another.
5. They Embrace Change And Grow Together
Growing up and growing old together is the essence of matrimony. In the same way, we grow as individuals, learning and maturing through all trials and tribulations; couples grow together in their marriage using what they’ve learned about their relationship to adapt better to new situations.
A healthy married couple cannot be stagnant in the face of changes. They understand that the marriage will grow and require different approaches at different twists and turns; hence adaptability becomes a highly required trait.
To ensure this evolution takes place effectively, always be supportive of your partner’s and marriage’s needs.
There are little known keys and principles for communcating in a way that makes you feel bonded and close to your spouse. We cover them in our Communication Bootcamp. >> Click here to learn more <<
6. They Bring Out The Best In Each Other
Nobody is perfect, and hidden imperfections always come out when spending the rest of your life with someone. The few negative traits that may accompany the many positives, or a little darkness accompanying their bright light, should not become the reason for instability in marriage.
Instead, focusing on their strengths, commendable qualities, and what makes them special is what someone who wants to bring out the best in their spouse does.
Furthermore, using the 5 Love Languages (affiliate link) to recognize which one makes your partner feel the most loved and incorporating more of that language into your marriage is a beautiful way of letting your spouse know that you are willing to put in effort for your relationship.
All in all, be a pillar of support and encouragement for your partner, let them know how sexy they look in those new sneakers or how their smile sits so perfectly on their face, and remind them of their attractive traits when they are experiencing self-doubt to bring out their most positive and radiant self.
7. They Do Not Neglect Their Personal Life And Emotional Well-being
Maintaining a healthy marriage can feel overwhelming to the point where you forget yourself. Marriage shouldn’t come at the cost of neglecting your own needs and wants.
Always remember that an empty cup cannot pour anything into another vessel. Similarly, you cannot pour all your love and affection into your family, friends, and goals if you are not filled to the brim with that love and affection yourself.
As we have grown more aware of the importance of taking care of ourselves, self-love and self-care have become increasingly popular. When we focus on staying personally healthy, it has a natural result of keeping our relationship positive.
In a marriage, this translates to making time for yourself to enjoy your own company, practicing a hobby, creating routines and rituals for yourself, and monitoring your mental and physical health so that you’re elevated and relaxed around your spouse or kids and can focus on them better when they need you.
So don’t let anyone tell you that you’re being selfish by putting yourself first, as this is not only in your best interest but also the best interest of your marriage. in your best interest but also the best interest of your marriage.
Marriage Is An Opportunity To Grow
Marriage is an opportunity to learn, grow, and experience the miracle of life with a hand to hold by your side. Despite the daunting decision to spend the entirety of your life with someone, it can prove to be the most beautiful journey two souls could embark on “till death do them part.”
With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to create your own white pickett fence dream with the love of your live by your side.

About Sonya Newsome
Sonya is a writer and blogger at Tiny Changes Matter blog that devotes her time to relationships between people, psychology and self-improvement. Her goal is to help as many people as possible with her articles!
Where To Find Help
We have resources to help you create the marriage you desire and deserve:
Connecting and Communicating
1000 Questions For Couples is designed to help you connect on a deeper level to create intimacy and trust in your relationship.
Relationship Rewrite will help you regain and rediscover the magic and love you once shared.
Want To Take Your Marriage To The Next Level With One-On-One Mentoring? We use Prepare/Enrich assessment to help couples create the marriage of their dreams. Click here to learn more
Physical Intimacy
Respark the Romance helps couples capture passion in their marriage.
Why Men Pull Away addresses the issue of why men tend to withdraw and how to effectively get them to reengage.
Secret Survey is based on the research of Michael Fiore after surveying thousands of men. It is enlightening. Designed for women.
Our Courses and Quiz
We have courses available that will help you grow your marriage relationship and create the marriage you desire and deserve. Visit our course library here.
You can also take our Marriage Quiz to get your marriage score and find practical ways to increase communication, intimacy, and trust in your relationship.