Please read this full report…
I know you think your marriage is over.
You think there’s no help because you are the only one really trying.
It seems hopeless.
I get it. BUT…
There IS Something You CAN Do Today To Instantly Get Your Marriage Back On Track
Believe it or not, your marriage can be saved!
Even if you are in the middle of a nasty separation and divorce talk.
AND… even if you feel like you are the only who wants it to work!
In my experience, your current Marriage crisis can be the catalyst
For a ‘new beginning’ that will Make your marriage even stronger!
Dr. Lee Baucom
Sound too good to be true?
Well, before you dismiss this as wishful thinking, OR you accuse me of not knowing how bad YOUR situation really is…
Let me tell you about Greg and Kelly. They are actual clients of Dr. Baucom…
I’ll tell you about Dr. Baucom in a bit.
First I want you to hear Greg and Kelly’s story.
Talk about a bad marriage. Greg and Kelly were a wreck…
Greg and Kelly Were At The End Of Their 14 Year Marriage
They were ready to call it quits.
This was a common occurrence in their home…
“You never talk to me anymore. I feel like we’re miles apart.” Kelly was frustrated and she knew Greg could sense it.
Greg responded the way always does, “Are you serious? Are we going to do this all over again? You never give up!”
It was easy to see the frustration mounting.
“All I want is to be heard.”. Kelly knew she had viiced this all before but she couldn’t resist saying again.
To be heard? That’s all you ever do is talk.
Yes, but I’m never heard, the frustration was mounting even as she spoke the words.
“Whatever!”. He knew this was avoiding the issue but it’s all he could come up with.
Sound familiar?
This was Greg and Kelly’s daily routine. Most of the time it went south from there.
After countless attempts to get back on track, they were on the brink of divorce.
Every time they tried to work through their issues, it all fell apart.
Ever feel that way?
Greg and Kelly sure did.
Here’s a snapshot of Greg and Kelly’s relationship. Maybe you can relate…
- Greg slept on the couch. A lot. They lived like roommates instead of intimate partners.
- They were constantly fighting and arguing over the smallest issues. It felt like a war zone instead of love shack.
- They were frustrated because they weren’t getting what they needed in the relationship. Greg wanted respect, love and acceptance. So did Kelly. But no matter how hard they tried, they both felt alone. Afraid. And wondering if things could ever be ‘normal’ again.
In a word they were stuck. The vicious cycle kept repeating itself. Over and over again.
Time To Let You In
On A Little Secret
This is one of the biggest breakthrough’s you’ll get from Dr. Baucom’s program.
There are 8 Distinct Stages of a Crisis. Each stage must be dealt with completely different.
I’ll talk more about this in a minute. But what you need to know now is…
What will work in one stage might actually destroy your marriage in another stage.
Knowing what to do in each stage is vital if you are going to save your marriage.
Get this wrong and you could end up permanently damaging your relationship.
Here’s what Dr. Baucom has to say about this…
These paths have been tested and retested. They are proven to be very successful for my clients. This is not ‘Pie in the Sky’ theory. It is tried, tested, and re-tested. And it works.
This is why Dr. Baucom’s system is so powerful. He gives you the exact plan – the step by step things to do – for each stage of your marriage crisis.
So even if you’ve read books, gone to seminars, and even tried counseling but nothing works…the Save The Marriage program can help you get back on track.
Yes, even if you have been to marriage counseling and it DIDN’T WORK. There is a reason it didn’t work.
Want to Know Why Traditional Counseling Hasn’t Helped You… and Probably Won’t?
Don’t let this keep you spinning your wheels…there is a better way.